Hey gals - I'm writing to you with an offer you can't refuse! For those of you who have been with me for a while, you'll recall I've written before about my love for Rocksbox, the monthly jewelry subscription (here). Well I've got several more months under my belt to gush about plus a reminder that I have a discount code just for you to get your first month free! Read on for the discount and for why you should give it a try!
There is no doubt that I am 100% jinxing myself by even daring to talk about the fact that my skin has improved significantly in the last month. But I simply must share with you, my dear readers and fellow acne-stricken and/or adjusting-to-aging friends, the skincare I've found that actually seems to be working!!! One product is the latest beauty trend, another brand has seemingly eliminated my acne (for now) and the final item is an anti-aging impulse purchase that I'm admitting to with full disclosure. Read on!
We recently moved to Atlanta, Georgia and are in the process of learning how to adjust to a new city as adults – it’s tough! It's not that I've never moved to a new city before - in fact I moved to Chicago about 4 years ago after moving to New York City about 12 years prior to that, so this isn’t a new gig to me. BUT, each time I do it, I am surprised by how unsettling, lonely, terrifying, exciting, humbling, adventurous and joyous the experience can be – all at the same time. It really runs the gamut of emotions, so you have to go easy on yourself while you adjust. There are several things I’ve learned along the way that I think might be helpful to others who are in the same situation or who are thinking about taking the leap. Read on for my ideas on how to start anew!
I've got something super-special for you today - the chance to win this amazing travel set! That's right - I've teamed up with a group of wonderful travel bloggers on Instagram to bring one lucky winner these Layla leather headphones by FRENDS, a $250 Encircled travel fashion gift card and her (or his) choice of one Smart Suitcase by Raden.
I love trying new makeup trends each season, but I don't love breaking the bank to do it. We'll all be onto something else in a few months, so what's the point of spending a lot? For these items, I'll head straight to the drugstore or for the low-end lines at Sephora. The price is right! Two of my favorite looks I'm seeing a lot for summer are bright liners with matching lashes, and a bright pop-of-color lip - not necessarily worn at the same time, though! What I love about these two trends is that most skin tones can find a shade that works for them to pull this off, so they are universal yet unique looks! Read on for how I wear them and which brands I prefer.