Onward with my winter dress up series! We’ve explored a tight dress with a long hem and sleeves, but what if we go in the other direction and try a short skirt and bare shoulders?! I think there’s a way to WARMLY rock the look with heavy fabrics, a boat neck and a waist-cinching belt.



In winter, I often want to hibernate – literally in my home, and figuratively in my clothes – by wearing all black. It makes me feel cozy, but in putting together this series on winter dress up ideas, I was determined to find a way to make it feel feminine and stylish when I went out to see one of my man’s gigs on a chilly evening. 

  • I’ve had this sweater for years, and I’ve often had mixed feelings about it since it can be pretty bulky. I’ve found that a super-snug belt around the waist will easily define my narrowest part. The wide boat neck and sheer fabric keep it a little sexy by showing my shoulders and a little hint of what’s underneath.
  • Since I was showing some skin and shoulder, I figured I could show a little leg, too. This satin mini-skirt is actually fully lined for wearing in winter and was sold as a cold weather piece at Club Monaco, so I knew it would work well as long as I had tights to cover my legs.
  • As I said in my last post, these boots are a go-to for going out in winter – they keep my feet warm but the sparkle keeps up with the dressy vibe I’m going for without being overkill for a rock show. Plus, they complemented the silver buckle on my belt and the small, simple silver dagger earrings I chose.
  • As for the hair and makeup, a little volume on top added height and length and the dark eye shadow made me feel rock n’ roll.

And that’s not all folks! My wheels are still turning on the winter dress up topic, and I’ve got plenty more ideas for this series – including different makeup tips, deep jewel tones, thick fabrics and and cool patterns that can make a gal feel hot and lovely in the chilliest of temps. Now get out there and try it yourself!

